5th International Congress on Aviation Management


23-26 October 2025


Dear Colleagues and Representatives from the Public and Private Sectors,

We invite you to the 5th International Congress on Aviation Management, organized face-to-face by the Aviation Management Academy from 23-26 October, 2025 at the Kastamonu University School of Civil Aviation.

This congress offers valuable opportunities to:

Present your research,

Strengthen existing connections and form new ones in the field,

Engage in knowledge exchange,

Stay updated on new trends in aviation management, and

Discuss topics in aviation management with a focus on business and operational issues.

Congress Language

Researchers may submit and present their work in both Turkish and English.


Airline Management

Airport Management

Aviation Economics

Aviation Finance

Airline Marketing

Aviation Safety

Aviation Security

Civil Aviation Transportation Policies

Other topics related to aviation management

All theoretical and empirical studies in the above areas will be considered for evaluation.

Studies that pass the peer review process will be accepted for presentation at the congress.

Publication Opportunities

Abstracts presented at the congress will be published as an e-book (ISBN) in the proceedings book by a partnered publisher.

Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to publish their work in the following journals (after peer review):


Research in Aviation Management (RAM Journal)

New journals to be added.


Best Paper Award

The congress organizing committee will review the presented papers, and the best paper will be selected and announced during the closing session of the congress. The winner(s) will receive the 2025 ICAM Best Paper Award Plaque.


Congress Venue

Kastamonu University - School of Civil Aviation

Kuzeykent Mahallesi Org. Atilla ATEŞ Paşa Caddesi Kastamonu Üniversitesi Sivil Havacılık Yüksekokulu Müdürlüğü

This event aims to bring together aviation management students, researchers, and public-private sector representatives. We are excited and honored to be with you at this gathering.

With warm regards,

Prof. Dr. Engin KANBUR

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet YAŞAR

Asst. Prof. Dr. Selçuk KAYHAN

Congress Period Chairs
